Blog Purchase – The Creative Girl Boss Tribe

The Creative Girl Boss Tribe (TCGBT) was my second ever blog purchase – only 1 day after my first blog purchase actually. And to this date it is by far one of my favourites!

I purchased TCGBT in March 2021. Here were it's selling points:

  • Earning $68/month from affiliate sales
  • 76 unique articles
  • 1,200 users a month in traffic
  • A high traffic Pinterest account
The Creative Girl Boss Tribe Blog Purchase

Purchasing the Website, and my First Steps

I only really wanted one thing from this website, its unique content. Upon inspecting it all and reading through a lot of it, I noticed there were some VERY high-value pieces in there. I'm talking 6,000+ word articles that go in-depth on high-value topics, like this article on what to do in the first 90 days of starting your blog. These articles are honestly gold mines and so rare to find for sale. I knew this blog had to be mine.

Thankfully, my first offer of $2,200 was accepted almost immediately, and we got to work on the paperwork. As soon as I had control over the website it was an extremely process.

Step 1: Export all of the blog content from the existing website.

Step 2: Import it all to my main website Gillian Sarah (the niche matched perfectly!).

Step 3: Add a domain redirect for all traffic so it landed on the new page within Gillian Sarah.

Step 4: Use Pretty Links to swap out all of the affiliate links for my own.

Step 5: Pop the champagne!

Since Purchasing

Ok, so there has been a little bit of work since then. Most of the posts didn't actually have “featured images” within them, so I had to go through and set these manually. Not a big task though, I just loaded up HauteStock and downloaded relevant images as I went (this task is actually still ongoing over a year later because I'm so lazy haha).

I have also since changed a few blog post formats. The previous owner was one of those one sentence per line writers, and frankly, I find them impossible to read. Give me a 4 sentence paragraph any day, please! I also changed a few header tags within the posts just to make sure they were best optimized for Google.

The Pinterest Account

Since purchasing this site the Pinterest account hasn't seen much action at all. I've been pinning to it from my own website a little bit, but not much. It's been sitting at 80k+ monthly views for the past year. I've only lately decided I want to take it and turn it into The Blog Method Pinterest, as it was just wasting away feeling sorry for itself. The bonus of this is that I don't have to start from scratch on Pinterest and the audience is practically the same.

In Conclusion

I have zero regrets about purchasing The Creative Girl Boss Tribe. Even if I had just moved the posts and not updated the affiliate links, it's paid for itself in ad revenue alone with the traffic those high-quality posts have generated. It's also made me somewhat of a Pinterest authority, which I both love and hate (as a lot of you will know, Pinterest is the best platform to utilise for your blog, but I just hate using it haha). If I ever come across another site of this quality again, I'm having it. This site turned into exactly what I wanted it to be.

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