How To Plan Your Blog Posts

Planning your blog posts in advance is a big key to having a consistent blog. It doesn’t have to be difficult though. Today I’m sharing how can you plan your blog posts ahead of time so when you sit down to write you know exactly what you are going to be blogging about!

How To Plan Your Blog Posts

Before you start planning you want to decide on which day or days of the week you will be publishing your blog posts. Once you know the days e.g. a Wednesday write them down for the next week (or even a month) and add the dates to them.

If you have a few different topics you write about within your niche you can then spread them out, adding a topic to each day you want to post a new blog post. For example, if you write about fashion, travel, and beauty and you are going to blog on Tuesdays and Thursdays it might look like this for the next 3 weeks:

  • Tuesday – Fashion
  • Thursday – Travel
  • Tuesday – Beauty
  • Thursday – Fashion
  • Tuesday – Travel
  • Thursday – Beauty

Now you have the days, dates, and topics you can begin to break down exactly what you will write for each topic.

Of course, these don’t have to be set in stone. If something comes up like an event, some news, or something which is time-specific then you can change them. After all, it’s your blog and you are in control of what you post and when!

It can be helpful to have some structure because there is nothing worse than sitting down at your computer with no idea what to write for a blog post you want to publish the next day. This way you continue to have fresh ideas and your blog stays balanced with the different topics you like to write about.

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