Should you spend money on a blog that makes no income?

I want to start a blog, but I don't have very much money right now. Should I do it?

Should you spend money on a blog that makes no income?

The question of whether or not you should spend money on a blog that makes no income is one you might get asked by friends and family. They may ask for your advice, especially if they see your passion for blogging as something that can be sustained into a career.

The answer isn't as simple as it seems, but then again, nothing in life ever is. There isn't any single right answer to this question because it depends on who you are asking and what their goals are for the blog.

For example, I didn't pay for my first theme or design when I started my blog because I was just getting started and wanted to keep costs low at the time since I wasn't sure if this would turn into anything more than me writing about things that interested me (and hopefully other people too). On the other hand, some bloggers feel strongly about investing in custom designs right away because they want their blogs to look professional without having to spend hours learning how CSS works all while writing articles week after week.

Don't stress about the cost of design when you first start blogging.

Remember, you’re here for the content, not the aesthetics. If your blog is going to be successful, it's going to be because of what you write (and not how pretty or interactive your blog looks). So don't spend a lot of money on design when you don't yet have any content; focus on building up an audience instead by writing great pieces that people want to read.

There are many free and cheap themes available that can make your site look professional without breaking the bank. And if you want something more custom than those options provide, there are some great options.

Don't spend thousands buying into someone else's design when starting out; invest your time and energy into writing great posts that connect with people instead!

So should you get a custom blog design?

As a professional blog designer I've worked with every type of blogger under the sun. I've put together semi-custom designs for many bloggers just starting out, these are very popular. I've also created some amazing custom designs for extremely seasoned bloggers. To put it into perspective though, I've also set very professional bloggers up with templates, and built custom designs for complete newbies.

One thing I do want to mention though is how these custom designs have worked for new bloggers. I have personally found they work in two dramatically different ways. There are a few absolutely stunning blogs that I have created that only have 3 posts on them, and have then been abandoned. To me this is a little heartbreaking, but blogging obviously wasn't for them. I find this to be such a waste from both ends. And then there is the other type, the new blogger who is instantly elevated as a professional in their field and within the first month of launching has already secured brand deals.

In my opinion, only invest if you are 100% on what you want to provide and who you want to provide it for. Write a content plan and make sure that your blog is going to be set-up to run as a business, not just a hobby for a few weeks that you soon forget about.

Free and cheap blog designs

In addition to the free themes that WordPress offers, there are plenty of other options. For example, if you’re not a fan of the way your blog looks right now, try one of these:

  • Elementor builder – an easy way to put together great blog designs without knowing too much code.
  • 17th Avenue – simple themes to get you started with your blog.


We’re lucky to live in a time where the expense of starting and maintaining a blog is infinitely smaller than it once was, and we should all be taking advantage of that. If you’ve been thinking about starting a blog but haven’t done so yet because of financial concerns, I hope this post has helped ease your mind. Yes, there are definitely ways to start a blog without spending any money at all—but if you do choose to spend money on your blog, then go for it! Don’t think twice about it. Just make sure whatever you choose to spend money on is something that will actually help your blogging efforts and not just be an unnecessary purchase—like bad writers or logo designers. Good luck!

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  1. Hеllо all, guуsǃ I knоw, mу mеssage maу be tоо spеcіfіс,
    Вut mу sіѕtеr found nice man hеre and thеy marriеd, ѕo how аbоut me?ǃ 🙂
    I аm 23 уears old, Chriѕtinа, frоm Romаnia, I knоw English аnd Germаn languаgeѕ alѕо
    Αnd… Ι hаvе ѕpeсific diѕeaѕe, nаmеd nymphomаnіa. Whо know whаt іѕ thіѕ, сan understand me (bеtter to ѕаy іt іmmedіаtеly)
    Ah yes, Ι cоok vеry tаstyǃ and Ι lovе not оnly coоk ;))
    Im reаl girl, not prоѕtitutе, аnd loоkіng for seriouѕ and hоt relatіоnshiр…
    Αnywаy, you саn fіnd my profіlе hеre:

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